Код товара: QQ2-01399
Продукт: Microsoft Office M365 Personal EuroZone, license term 1 year, 1 TB OneDrive cloud storage
SKU: QQ2-01399
For PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets. 1 TB of cloud storage for one person.
A 12-month subscription for one person that includes powerful productivity and security apps, premium features, extra cloud storage, and advanced security. With Microsoft 365 Personal you will get:
• Compatibility with PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android phones and tablets.*
• The ability to use up to five devices simultaneously.
• Word, Excel, PowerPoint with offline access and premium features.
• Microsoft Defender** advanced security for your data and devices (not available in select markets; varies by platform).***
• OneDrive ransomware protection for your files and photos.****
• Microsoft Teams all-day video calling.
• Clipchamp***** video editor with premium filters and effects.
Availability varies by operating platform and market. Visit http://microsoft365.com/information for more information.
*iOS and Android require separate app installation.
**App available as a separate download.
***Microsoft Defender is not available in select markets, availability varies by platform; app available as a separate download. Visit https://support.microsoft.com/topic/microsoft- defender-is-not-currently-available-in-these-regions-b59f5e31-bc79-432c-95a4-9731a98f8950
****OneDrive files can be recovered for up to 30 days after malicious attacks, file corruption, or accidental deletes and edits.
*****App available as separate download; must accept Clipchamp terms of service and privacy policy.
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